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Rabbits are a popular alternative to traditional pets like dogs and cats. They are social, intelligent, and can be trained to use a litter box. Rabbits are also ideal for people who live in smaller spaces, as they do not require as much room as larger pets. However, it’s important to remember that rabbits are prey animals, and can be easily scared or stressed by loud noises, sudden movements, or handling by inexperienced people.
Check Out Our Favorite Online Course To Train Your Dog: https://www.braintraining4dogs.com/get-btfd/?hop=serchh
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#RabbitCareTips #RabbitHutchIdeas #RabbitBreeders #RabbitTrainingTips #RabbitToys #RabbitGrooming #RabbitDietTips #RabbitHealthIssues #RabbitPlaytime #RabbitFarmers #RabbitAdoption #RabbitBreedInfo #RabbitBreedingTips #RabbitCageIdeas #RabbitBehaviorIssues #RabbitFriendlyPets #RabbitCompanionship #RabbitHouseTraining #RabbitPetSupplies #RabbitOutdoorHutch #RabbitIndoorHousing #RabbitTricks #RabbitAnatomy #RabbitFurCare #RabbitTeethCare #RabbitSocialization #RabbitLitterTraining #RabbitRescue #RabbitAllergies #RabbitBreeds #rabbit #pet #rabbitpet
They also enjoy shitting around the house
Rabbits are not at all low maintenance they require tons of stuff to make them comfortable please do your research before getting one they are not gifts!!!!
Running speed😂😂😂😂😂
I have a bunny named cozmo. He’s on my profile
Who , who said they are boring
Great! But they do need groomed from their thick hair in the winter. They don’t really need a companion if they are exposed to you, your family, or some sort of action to keep the busy. And they are not low maintenance. It takes a lot to take care of a rabbit properly. If it’s not exhausting to take care of (ONE) bunny, your not doing it right😊
“Rabbit make great pets!“ bites hair off in last clip…
I want a pet rabbit, but I can’t because my brother is allergic to hay😢
They're the cutest 🥰
My two rabbits be like: i think i could ride and wiggle your back mate
The last thing you forgot to say they make great hairstyles
Not low maintenance…ITS HIGH MAINTENANCE…correct yourself
Definitely not low maintenance! 😂
I have one it's so cute!
They love hair especially blonde hair
Are you sure they were around like that when they are old 😂 I love having a rabbit
My bunny loves to cuddle
( •.•)
Lie they need lots of care and research and attention
last year i got my baby girl for my birthday.. she died last night. i cant stand the fact she is gone. she only got to live 1 year. Rip blossom i wish i could have given you better❤😢
Low maintenance
I will tell you they are not at alll
Low maintenance…
I have a rabbit that eats his poops