Categorie: konijnen trainen

HOE U uw konijn in één week zindelijk maakt | Bunny zindelijkheidstraining

HOE U uw konijn in één week zindelijk maakt | Bunny zindelijkheidstraining

In this video I am going to show you how to teach a rabbit to use a litter box. This is a great thing to teach when you have a house bunny that gets lots of time outside of its cage to run and play.

Use 1″ of litter covered with Timothy hay. Add in some of the rabbit’s poops and urine-soaked paper or hay. Place the litter box wherever the bunny seems to prefer to use, which is often a corner. When you first let her into the training area, stay in the room.

Toilet training your bunny is very easy!

This is the litterbox that I used:
“Jumbo Scatterless Lock-N-Litter Pan”
(Amazon Affiliate Link)

0:00 – Intro
0:14 – Bunny Cage Setup and Exercise Area
0:31 – Why I use this type of litter box
0:54 – Litter Tray Type
1:32 – How to litter train your rabbit
3:14 – How the litter tray looks inside the cage