Al mijn konijnenbenodigdheden wegdoen???

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Today I’m cleaning out the closet in my rabbit room. All these supplies are either getting tossed, donated, or saved. Then we’re getting a whole supply haul from my shop to re-stock the closet!

Products in this video:
Large Meadowbox:
Ultra Premium Soft Timothy Hay:
Western Timothy Hay Stacks:
Western Timothy Hay Stacks With Chamomile:
Small Hide and Seek Mat:
Extra Large Seagrass Mat:
Large Double Woven Seagrass Mat:
Willow Balls:
Willow Basket:
Timothy Tunnel:
Timothy Carrot:
Compressed Timothy Treats:
Hay Corral:
Willow/Apple Sticks:
Dried Fruit Treats:
Timothy Bungalow:
Hopper Hideaway:
Stargazing Snacks:
Maze Haven:

Facebook: 101Rabbits –
Instagram: @official101rabbits –
Shop Instagram: –
Personal Instagram: @haleyslifethroughalens –
TikTok: @haleyslifethroughalens –
Twitter: @101RabbitsHaley –

19 comments on “Al mijn konijnenbenodigdheden wegdoen???

  1. @Trainingthroughlife schreef:

    I forgot to mention it in the video, but I already see people commenting about it. I was sick the week before I filmed this and got laryngitis (lost my voice). It was getting better by the time I filmed this but you could still hear me talk differently. I apologize haha!

  2. @Pomeranianfam schreef:

    Hello can i buy something from Spain?

  3. @SquirrelThis schreef:

    Very cool. As for vacuum tubing, have you thought of putting like a large hook or similar on the wall above it to loop the tubing over? Loving your video's. Thank you 😊

  4. @adamhadding5711 schreef:

    check dollar general for dried treats. there a dollar per pouch, when ya can find em

  5. @morgandoranmusic schreef:

    Hi πŸ‘‹πŸΌ wow it’s been forever since I’ve watched bunny videos on YouTube. And it’s been forever since I’ve seen your channel glad to see you’re still at it! Morgansbunny101 was me before my channel had got hacked and messed up. Just got 2 new buns and wanted to see if any of the ol peeps were still on YouTube ❀️ nice to see you again!

  6. @Lily-po8mt schreef:

    Hey Haley I would love a in person shop update I am very interested in going to the in person shop so if that could be a future video I would love to see that!

  7. @shaycochrane schreef:

    Is anyone else SO jealous that she can just go to her shop and grab as many and whatever bunny products she wants?πŸ˜‚

  8. @CosyPosy schreef:

    You think you've got a lot of hay cubes? SPS once sent me 50 pounds of hay cubes instead of 50 pounds of hay… I don't think I'll ever run out πŸ˜‚

  9. @rominacorralbarriga3618 schreef:


  10. @Slaymae schreef:

    Can someone help? I lost my rabbit that was housed with my sisters rabbit. I was so sad I didn't even think abt showing the other bunny that she died. I already buried her the day she died which was a like 4 days ago. The other rabbit is stressed and loosing fur, she's super jumpy too. She eats half of her food and saves the rest like she did when my rabbit was alive since my rabbit was a slow eater. Can someone tell me how to cope with her. I want to get another rabbit but I am still getting over my rabbit and I'm quarantined for now

  11. @diamond3273 schreef:

    Hi, I'm doing the most research I can before I get a bunny. Do you think you could give advice or a video on how to have (example) your dog, or cat to get along with your bunny? Thanks πŸ™‚

  12. @eliannamorello8257 schreef:

    It’s not weird to keep old bunny toys because there sentimental I have guinea pigs and still have some of there old toys to ❀️

  13. @madelinemihm8837 schreef:

    Hey, so I just have one question. We are soon ready to get our rabbits spayed / neutered and we don't know where to do it. Can you recommend where? Or even where you went? We are trying to spend as little as we can, but still get the job done right.

  14. @tranquil1536 schreef:

    Just got a white rabbit for my common rabbit.
    And a guinea pig.
    I love your content.
    Its so fun and educational.

  15. @sheelasubbu8974 schreef:

    Hi,I Am From India I Have Two Rabbit Named Tom&Jerry I don't what is Litter and Can you help me to know how to bond with Rabbit πŸ‡πŸ™

  16. @julialemos1969 schreef:

    lulu died how long has i been

  17. @leandraharms9409 schreef:

    Can rabbits have kaytee Timothy biscuits

  18. @ilovemagic4291 schreef:

    HELP!! What do I do if i fed my baby bunny normal hay and unlimited pellets (not alfalfa)? Does this make him underweight or too skinny? Because, thats what I did, today he is 11 months and his weight is 1,7 kg (he is a holland lop bunny) and the normal weight is 1,4 – 1,9 BUT I can feel his spine very easily when I pet him, I would say it's sharp. So how do I solve this problem? He is currently on a proper adult diet which is 2 unlimited hay, cups of greens per day and 1/4 cup of pellets. I've been adding some more pellets to his diet these past few days but Idk if this is the right way, but what other way is there?

  19. @sashacerny8227 schreef:

    I was wondering if there was someway you could put some hooks up on the wall and hang the tube to your shop vac to hang it up on the wall that the tube part of it to give you more space, And some type of hook so that would be easy for you to take down when you needed it. ❀️

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