5 Bunny Facts waar je versteld van zult staan โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿ‡

5 facts about bunnies that will blow your mind๐Ÿ‡

1. Bunnies canโ€™t see directly in front of their nose but can see behind them.
2. Bunnies need hay to assist the digestive system and prevent fur balls in their stomach.
3. A bunny’s teeth never stop growing. This is why rabbits love to chew.
4. Bunnies cannot vomit.
5. Bunnies can sleep with their eyes open, which is a useful trick but disconcerting for us.

27 comments on “5 Bunny Facts waar je versteld van zult staan โ€‹โ€‹๐Ÿ‡

  1. @Cutesiesadventure schreef:

    I know all of them except for 1

  2. @OmarQuinonez-b8u schreef:

    (. .)
    />๐Ÿฅ• they like to eat these

  3. @moymoylapuz schreef:


  4. @pgunnithan2298 schreef:

    6. Jungkookie is a bunny which we cannot buy๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œRight Army???

  5. @omejira schreef:

    That one bunny with a mouthful of hay ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. @carolannemcgroarty5220 schreef:

    (. )*

  7. @wang2531 schreef:

    These bunny ๐Ÿ‡๐Ÿฐ rabbits are Very cute ๐Ÿฅบ

  8. @Jessica_Loves_Hamsters92 schreef:

    Pls more tips im getting a bunnyโค

  9. @taakofromtv4651 schreef:

    More things to take in consideration as an owner of bunbuns:
    1. They have different eyesight and prefer different colors, so pay attention to that when buying toys and other things, help to avoid the chewed wires more often;
    2. Most of their diet is supposed to be hay, do not feed them too many veggies or fruit as it can upset their stomach and create stasis, usually I am told by doctors to go for around 1-2 spoons a day (they also develop preferences for the fruits and I would suggest making them get used when still small to less sugary ones, but DO NOT feed your bun any veggies or fruits when they're still in the first months of life);
    3. Pellets and hay should be checked for the nutitious values and picked carefully depending on age, needs and what are the most important nutrients for them. I do not remember anymore properly which ones were, as by sweet angel died over a year ago, but in general I know it should have a very high level of fiber;
    4. Don't wait for 12 hours to get them to emergency if they stopped eating, usually 12 hours is enough to kill the buns, as they need to constantly eat.
    5. Always insist on ear consultations, nose and teeth at least once every two months.
    6. As their fur is very thick and luxurious, and should not be washed, I recc in spring to go for a deworming solution (idk if I am saying that well, I am not a native english spearker), but basically my vet would rub externally around their neck a solution that would keep parasites away. The deworming thingie should be done every once in a while during the year as well internally, to avoid digestive issues;
    7. Buns sleep with their eyes open usually when they are not fully comfortable with the environment, usually paired with lying on their tummy. When they are fully relaxed and trust you, you'll see them lying on the side with their eyes closed (which can be a bit panicking when they become old, but resist the urge to try waking them up, look for belly movement as they breathe to reassure yourself);
    8. They are very social creatures, so please get a companion (make sure you got at least one of them spayed before and you introduce them to each other gradually, as they can become aggressive towards each other before bonding, bonding time needed also depends on the temperament of each of the bunnies). If you get only one, make sure you play with them and have cuddle sesh daily, but wait for them to come to you and DO NOT lift them up (lifting them up makes them really scared, unless you have a very rare case of dependent bun that will literally stick even to your face if possible). If you need to pick them up, look for a vet advice im how to do it, it's usually some sort of scoop that gives them a ground like position laying on one of your arms as the other offers even more stability.
    9. Please PLEASE PLEASE DON'T TAKE RANDOM VIDEOS FOR GRANTED THAT SAY THEY'RE EASY PETS, THEY'RE EXOTIX PETS THAT NEED A LOT OF ATTENTION AND CARE. FOOD MIGHT SEEM CHEAP (again, idk how it is for your country), but the enrichment of the environment and the hospital emergencies and checkups add money really fast. I suggest having some sort of emergency money put aside that you won't touch even when you are struggling, as it can be the difference sadly between like and death for them. I had to go even at 2am across the city for an emergency and as I mentioned, costs add up quick.
    10. Those water bottles aren't really goos, throw them away and opt for a bowl with water and if you are fancy and have enough money for that, I suggest investing in one of those pet water fountains that keep the water fresh and filtered (doesn't mean you don't have to replace it daily, and also, even what the water contains is really important, and to tie it to the 9. They aren't cheap animals, very often you'll need to get water from a certain brand, especially if you live in a city, as tap water is not that good even for yourself)

    That's all I had to say, enjoy their presence and the happiness they provide despite the hard work. They are very loyal creatures that bond very easily, so make sure you do not break their trust too much (I am ofc reffering to the every now and then accidental step on the tail, which will make you feel like apologising to them like they're god, but of well :))

  10. @AleksShsyw schreef:


  11. @Goob_2025 schreef:


    6.they fill up your happiness
    7.they are afraid of flashing lights
    8.they make you fly to heaven by showing their cuteness

  12. @itscuffinseasonn schreef:

    ( โ€ข.โ€ข)
    / >๐Ÿฅ•

  13. @Luna_The_Alsatian schreef:

    6: they are adorable and fluffy

  14. @CodeG6 schreef:

    When I first owned a rabbit I was concerned when my rabbit was sleeping with her eyes open

  15. @Not-norah-sleeps schreef:

    As a bunny owner when ever my bunny is sleeping with his eyes open I think heโ€™s dead he scares me every time time

  16. @Lenny_GD schreef:

    I knew 3 of them

  17. @Stavthevidmaker schreef:

    I knew all of those things๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

  18. @dghdave schreef:

    My name is Chuck Buck and I chuck bucks

  19. @Georgetorey schreef:

    I have a bunnyโค

  20. @HelenMulcahy-ie5nr schreef:

    Lucky I hate vomiting but can hamsters vomit ๐Ÿคฎ because I have a hamster ๐Ÿน๐Ÿน๐Ÿน

  21. @danielbrannon9513 schreef:

    They're cousins with horses.

  22. @Kitty-fans-b2l schreef:

    ( /)

  23. @owentaildeman8634 schreef:

    The white one looks like my bunny๐Ÿ˜Š

  24. @Audrey-vm2tz schreef:

    So that's why it looks like my rabbit only sleeps 15 minutes a day.

  25. @bobraskhelleberg5926 schreef:

    I know allโค

  26. @RebeccaHoikim schreef:

    (โ€ข.โ€ข )

  27. @junmarkbeldia461 schreef:

    ( โ€ข.โ€ข)
    I love bunnies

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